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LEVADA M. To Europe via the Crimea: on possible migration routes of the northern people in the Great Migration period

// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf


Рассылка. To subscribe E-Mail with "sub lithics-l your-first-name your-last-name" in the message body. Archives Web site.

LUND HANSEN U. Contacts during the Third to Fifth Century AD between South Scandinavia and the Black Sea Illustrated by Late Roman Glass and JewelleryMĄCZYŃSKA M., URBANIAK A., JAKUBCZYK I. The Early Mediaeval Cemetery of Almalyk-Dere near the Foot of Mangup

// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Laboratory for Ceramic Research

"University of Lund, Sweden, is mainly involved in ceramic/archaeological research. This activity serves the archaeological science by providing laboratory investigations of ceramic artifacts." Проекты, методы, исследования, публикации (названия, выборочно резюме), родственные ресурсы.

Laboratory for Wood Anatomy & Dendrochronology

"University of Lund, Sweden. The main research of the Laboratory for Wood Anatomy and Dendrochronology is devoted to dendrochronology - constructing reference chronologies on oak, pine and spruce for different regions of Sweden. Ólafur Eggertsson, PhD, Senior lecturer, Head of the Laboratory." Информация, исследования, проекты, публикации (список), родственные ресурсы.

Laboratory of Archaeometry, National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos

"The Laboratory of Archaeometry at N.C.S.R. Demokritos was officially set up by a Presidential Decree in 1987. It replaced the 'Archaeometry Programme' which had existed at Demokritos since 1983 and a long term programme of co-operation with the Greek Ministry of Culture since 1978. It is still supported by thirty years of experience of the many scientists within Demokritos, whose interests in and work on the application of the techniques of the physical sciences in the study of archaeological material began in 1965. The Laboratory, from its long-term pioneering activities, has earned international renown in the field of Archaeometry." Проекты, исследования, список публикаций

Laffan, Barry (1937-1996)

Lamb, Winifred (1894-1963)

Landa, Fra Diego de

Landesmuseum Brandenburg - Landesamt fur Denkmalpflege und Archaologisches

Раскопки, проекты, публикации.

Lang V., Kriiska A., Haak A. A new Early Bronze Age socketed Axe

// Estonian Journal of Archaeology. - 2006. - 10. - 1. dealing with a find from Eesnurga village near Kolga-Jaani (pdf file)

Lartet, Edouard Armand (1801-1873)

Lasker, Gabriel Ward (1912-2002)

Late Bronze Age and Iron Age village below Cadbury Castle, Somerset

// British Archaeology. - 35. - 1998. Fortified settlement and landscape, incl. EBA

Lathrap, Donald Ward (1927-1990)

Lavagnone di Desenzano del Garda

// A bronze age settlement - research project by the Università degli Studi di Milano

Layard, Austen Henry (1817-1894)

Leach, Edmund Ronald (1910-1989)

Leakey, Louis S.B. (1903-1972)

Leakey, Mary Douglas Nicol (1913-1996)

Learning to Read Rome's Ruins, A Vatican exhibit

Археологические материалы в Ватиканских музеях, на англ. яз.

Legio X fretenes - Десятый легион

Клуб исторической реконструкции. "Наш клуб родился на свет 23 февраля 1991 года во время тактической игры в оловянную миниатюру на легендарную эпоху Римской империи. Первой базой "Десятого легиона" стала школа №627 Московского района, где легион начал свой "боевой" путь. На первом этапе своего развития группа молодых учителей истории и начальной военной подготовки углубляли знания по военной истории античности и работали с детьми, читая скромные лекции, играли в оловянные солдатики и накапливали связи и опыт. В скором времени появилась первая серия публикаций в военно-историческом приложении газеты Ленинградского военного округа "Ратоборец" в рубрике "Великие армии минувших веков". Эти Мат-лы об истории развития римской армии заинтересовали читателей газеты и стали одним из самых интересных и читаемых разделов газеты. С 1993 по 1995 гг. клуб оказывал активную помощь редакции газеты.."

Lehmer, Donald Jayne (1918-1975)

Leibniz Labor for Radiometric Dating and Isotope Research

"The Leibniz Laboratory for Radiometric Dating and Stable Isotope Research was established at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, in 1994. It combined a new 3 MV Tandetron accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) system with the conventional Radiocarbon and Mass-Spectormetry Laboratories, started in 1962." Проекты, исследования, аннотации публикаций

Leiris, Michel (1901-1990)

Lejars T. l'Armement des celtes en Gaule du Nord a la fin de lepoque gauloise

// Revue archeologique de Picardie. - № 3-4. - 1996. - P.79-103. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Lemarck, Jean Batiste (1744-1829)

Lepcis Magna

A UNESCO World Heritage Site. "Since 1994 I have been leading a team of archaeologists conducting new excavations on part of the site of one of the most exciting Roman cities of North Africa, Lepcis Magna in the Tripolitania region of Libya." История исследований, виртуальный тур.

Lepsius, Karl Richard (1810-1884)

Leroi-Gourhan, Andre (1911-1986)

Les fouilles archeologiques de Champ du Pont (Saint-Priest/Lyon)

// Excavations ahead of the construction of the Parc Technologique de la Porte des Alpes, including some Bronze Age finds and structures

Leser, Paul (1899 - ?)

Levinschi A. Gräberfelder der späten Cernjachov-Kultur

// Die Sîntana de Mureş - Černjachov Kultur. Akten  des Internationalen Kolloquiums in Caputh vom 20. bis 24. Oktober 1995. - Bd.2. - Bonn. - 1999. - S.23-32. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Lewis A. The Great Orme Copper Mines

// Bronze Age mining complex in Northern Wales, including the complete MA thesis "Prehistoric Mining at Great Orme"

Lewis J. Upwards at 45 degrees: the use of vertical caves during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age on Mendip, Somerset

// An illustrated article in CAPRA 2/2000

Lewis, Oscar (1914-1970)

Lewis, Ralph Kepler (1912-1997)

Lhuyd, Edward (1670-1709)

Lib.Ru: Античная литература, поэзия и философия

Несколько десятков текстов on-line, родственные ресурсы.

Libby W.F. Radiocarbon dating

// 1960

Libby, Willard F. (1908-1980)


// Find of skeletons and bronze ornaments in a cave. Landkreis Osterode am Harz

Lietuvos pilys - Замки Литвы

"Specialists from the Castle Research Center „Lietuvos pilys“ over ten-year period proceed with archaeological investigations at the territory of the Vilnius Upper and Lower Castles." На литовском и частично англ. яз.

Limesmuseum Aalen

"Hier finden Sie aktuelle Informationen uber die Romer in Baden-Wurttemberg sowie uber die Militargeschichte des Limesgebietes. Sie erhalten Hinweise zu den Aktivitaten des Limesmuseums: Ausstellungen, Fuhrungen, Vortrage, Jugend im Museum, Zinnfiguren-Dioramen zur Romischen Geschichte, in der Vorweihnachtszeit: Martinsritt, Weihnachtskrippe mit Figuren im Stil der Zeit um Christi Geburt, experimentelle Archaologie, Familien-Sonntage, Ferienprogramme des Museums, romisches Parkmuseum bei der Stadthalle Aalen, Schriftenreihe des Limesmuseums Aalen 1 (1965) bis 50 (1995)." На нем. яз., выставки, исследования, в т.ч. экспериментальная археология, публикации с 1965 г. (список), обзор истории римского лимеса.

Linton, Ralph (1893-1953)

Lithic Casting Lab

"This site features many cast replicas of Stone Age artifacts, posters and postcards that are available for sale. There are also many pictures and articles about Clovis, Archaic, Woodland and Mississippian cultures in North America. Other articles include artifacts from around the world and modern flintknapping." Коммерческая фирма.

Livet i Birka

// 1996. Файл pdf, 1,3 MB

Livingstone, Frank B. (1907-1982)

Liviu-Sovan O. La Chronologie de la nécropole de Mihâlaçeni, Roumanie

// Die Sîntana de Mureş - Černjachov Kultur. Akten  des Internationalen Kolloquiums in Caputh vom 20. bis 24. Oktober 1995. - Bd.2. - Bonn. - 1999. - S.11-22. Читать/сохранить сборник файл *pdf

Lott House, 17th Century Brooklyn

"The Lott family came to New Amersfoodt in 1666, and continued to live in the Lott house until the 1980's. The grounds are uniquely documented and undisturbed. This might be our last chance to learn about American Slavery in the North, Indian Cultures long since gone, natural fauna, the role of Women in Colonial society, the interaction on a local level between Dutch, French, and English communities in the face of international world war."

Louis S.B. Leakey

// Talk Origins website, биография.

Low Volga - Нижняя Волга

Сайт, посвященный средневековой истории, археологии и нумизматике Нижнего Поволжья, Северного Кавказа и Крыма.

Lowie, Robert H. (1883-1957)

Lubbock, John (1834-1913)

Ludwig Th. Fragen der Baugeschichte und der Archäologie

// "Artikel über die Fragestellungen für neue archäologische Untersuchungen in Lorsch a.d. Bergstraße/Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen."

Luik H. For Hunting of for Warfare? Bone Arrowheads from the Late Bronze Age Fortified Settlemants in Eastern Baltic

// Estonian Journal of Archaeology. - 2006. - 10. - 2 (pdf file)

Luik H., Ots M. Bronze Age double buttons in Estonia

// Estonian Journal of Archaeology. - 2007. - 11. - 2 (pdf file)

Lyell, Charles (1797-1875)

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