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DROBERJAR E. On Certain Amulet Pendants in the Shape of Miniature Pots, Occurring between the Black Sea Region (Pontus Euxinus) and Scandinavia

// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

DUSHENKO A. The Finds of Composite Single-Sided Combs of Scandinavian Look in the Territory of Mangup

// Inter Ambo Maria. Contacts between Scandinavia and the Crimea in the Roman Period. Kristiansand – Simferopol. - 2011. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Dalton, George (1926-1991)

Dart, Raymond (1893-1988)

Darwin, Charles (1809-1882)

Das Brandgräberfeld von Wehrheim/Ts.

// Thorough publication of the excavations in a cemetary of the Late Bronze Age, by the Archäologie-AG Usingen

Das romische Mainz

"Mainz ("Mogontiacum") war in römischer Zeit ein Ort von herausragender Bedeutung. Seinen Anfang nahm es vor 2 000 Jahren (13 v. Chr.) mit dem Legionslager auf dem Kästrich. Bald war es - mit Köln und Trier - eines der drei großen Militär-, Verwaltungs-, Handels- und Kunstzentren nördlich der Alpen. Ausgrabungen der jüngsten Zeit (Römerschiffe, Germanicus-Ehrenbogen) unterstreichen diese Sonderstellung." Краткий обзор античной истории Майнца на нем. яз.

Dating Stonehenge

// Results of the radiocarbon dating

Davis, Edwin Hamilton (1811-1888)

Davis, William Allison (1902-1983)

Davis-Kimball, J. Chieftan or Warrior Priestess?

// Archaeology. - Vol.50. - №5. - September/October 1997. Резюме на англ. яз.

Davis-Kimball, J. Warrior Women on the Eurasian steppes

// An abstract from Archaeology, Vol.50 №1, January/February 1997. Резюме на англ. яз.

De Imperatoribus Romanis (On the Roman Emperors)

On-line энциклопедия римских императоров на англ. яз.

De rebus bellicis

// "Фрагмент римского трактата IV в., посвященный метательным машинам. Текст на латыни, несколько вариантов пер., обширные комм.. С иллюстрациями."

Dechelette J. (1862-1914)

Deetz, James (1930-2000)

Deloria, Ella Cara (1889-1971)

Deluga W. Balkan Elements in Orthodox Church Painting of the Post-Byzantine Period in Central Europe

// Восточноевропейский археологический журнал. - №3(10). - 2001.

Dendrochronology - Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages

University of Tennessee, USA, Henri D. Grissino-Mayer. Одно из наиболее полных собраний по этой теме: базы данных, родственные ресурсы, библиография, программное обеспечение и др.

Densmore, Frances (1867-1957)

Department of Classics

Yale University. "The degree programs in Classics seek to provide an overall knowledge of Greek and Roman civilization, combined with specialized work in a number of fields or disciplines within the area of classical antiquity." Программы, проекты, курсы, семинары, на англ. яз.

Der Aufbruch zu neuen Horizonten. Die Funde von Nebra, Sachsen-Anhalt, und ihre Bedeutung für die Bronzezeit Europas

// A research project supported by the DFG

Der Schatz des bronzezeitlichen Farbenhändlers

// Analysis of ochre pieces found in a settlement pit in Niederröblingen, Saxony-Anhalt

Der geschmiedete Himmel

// Presentation of the so-called "Himmelsscheibe von Nebra". Exhibition at the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle from 15/10/04 until 24/05/05

Desde la llegada de los indoeuropeos hasta el siglo XII a. C.: Mito e historia

// From the arrival of the Indo-Europeans to the 12th century B.C. in the Aegean: Myth and history

Diakonu G. Das Graberfeld von Mogoshani (Kreis Dimbovita)

// Dacia. - N.S. - T.XII. - 1969. - S.368-402 Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Diakonu G. Graber des V jhs. u.Z. von Pietroasele

// Dacia. - N.S. - T.XXX. - N1-2. - 1986. - S.177-182. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Diakonu G. Spatsarmatische Elemente in der Sintana de Mures - Tschernjachow

// Dacia. - N.S. - T.X. - 1966. - S.357-364. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Diakonu G. Uber die Fibel mit halbkreisformiger Kopfplatte und rautenformigen fuss aus Dacien

// Dacia. - N.S. - T.XVII. - 1973. - S.247-275. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Diakonu G. Uber die Fibel mit umgeschlangenen Fus in Dazien

// Dacia. - N.S. - T.XV. - 1971. - S.239-267. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Diakonu G. Uber die scheibengedrechte Keramik in der intana de Mures - Tschernjachowkultur

// Dacia. - N.S.- T.XIV. - 1970. - S.243-261 Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Die Bronzezeit in Basel

// A short overview

Die Himmelsscheibe von Nebra

// Sensational find of a bronze disc with astronomical depictions in gold as well as the accompanying pieces. Informations from the Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt

Die Sîntana de Mureş - Černjachov Kultur. Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte. Bd.2

Bonn. - 1999. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Dier M. Fourknocks - An interpretation

// "This article is based on a lecture given to the Meath archaeological and historical society by Martin Dire at the Fourknocks in June 2004. The lecture was based on outlining the less obvious reasons why structures like the Fourknocks were sited where they were. Martin argues that the placements of the prehistoric monuments are far from haphazard or random. "

Dig unearths Bronze Age sun disc

// BBC news 25/11/2003. A gold disc discovered in Ceredigion, Wales.

Discovering Archaeology

"Explore archaeology at National Science Foundation website, an independent US government agency responsible for promoting science and engineering through research programs and education projects." Список ресурсов с аннотациями.

Dixon, Roland Burrage (1875-1934)

Dobzhansky, Theodosius (1900-1975)

Dokos Cargo site

// The cargo of one or more Early Helladic ships

Dollhofer L. Fragmente einer mittelminoischen Tasse mit zoomorphem Dekor

// Forum Archaeologiae 9/XII/98. An article about a zoomorphic decorated cup

Dollhofer L., Schaller K. Über die Quadratur kreisförmiger Heiligtümer der kyprischen Bronzezeit

// Altmodische Archäologie. Festschrift für Friedrich Brein. - Forum Archaeologiae. -14.III.2000

Dorris, Michael (1945-1997)

Dorsey, George A. (1868-1931)

Douglass, Andrew Ellicott (1867-1962)

Dowth Megalithic Passage Tomb

// "Dowth the Fairy Mound of Darkness is about the same size as Newgrange and Knowth and was built in the same period over 5000 years ago. The mound was subjected to a very unprofessional excavation in 1847, two passage tombs were discovered but the mound was severely damaged in the process. The passages tombs are much less spectacular than Newgrange or Knowth with shorter passages and lower roofs. Both are on the western site of the mound, they are referred to as Dowth North and Dowth South. The Dowth North passage is 14 metres in length; the chamber is cruciform in shape with an annex off the right hand recess, the chamber roof is corbelled and is 3 metres high."

Dozier, Edward (1916-1971)

Drake, John (1911-1990)

Drewett P.L. Field Archaeology

L. - 1999. Читать/сохранить файл *pdf

Dubois, Eugene (1858-1940)

Duncan, William (1899-1962)

Dunkle R. Peloponnesian War

// Статья 1986 г.

Durkheim, Emile (1858-1917)

Dusenberry, James Verne (1906-1966)

Dyer Chr. John Gilbert Hurst

// Guardian, Tuesday May 13, 2003. Биография.

Dyk, Walter (1899-1962)

de Jong G. The Bull of Newgrange: a metaphor for Halley's Comet?

// "When seen from above Newgrange looks like a giant skull, the top part of the skull of a Bull with long horns. The circular form between its horns, the grass covered mound, almost certainly represents a large golden sun disc. It is obvious that the builders of Newgrange constructed the temple in honour of the horned Bull of Heaven which I believe can be considered a metaphor for Halley's Comet."

de Marinis R.C. Towards a Relative and Absolute Chronology of the Bronze Age in Northern Italy

// Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi. - 7. - 1999, 2002. - р.25-103 (pdf file)

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