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"An Academic Refereed Journal on the Archaeology of the Arab World. Editor in Chief: Abdul Rahman T. Al-Ansary. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia."

Archaeology's Dig - A magazine for kids!

"Dig magazine is published by Cobblestone Publishing Company, a division of the Cricket Magazine Group, in cooperation with the Archaeological Institute of America. dig brings the excitement, mystery, wonder, and fun of archaeology, palaeontology, and earth sciences to children 8-13 years old in a style that both entertains and educates its young readers."

Bronze Age Review

// International journal of research into the archaeology of the British and European Bronze Age, edited by the British Museum

CEDAM International

"CEDAM International is a unique, not-for-profit organization founded in 1967. It is devoted to Conservation, Education, Diving, Awareness and Marine-research. For years, CEDAM has mobilized diving expeditions and made significant contributions to the fields of marine biology and marine/terrestrial archeology. Today, it is one of the most respected organizations in the diving community. CEDAM International is dedicated to the understanding, protection and preservation of the world's marine resources. Through our expeditions, CEDAM International volunteer divers actively participate in scientific research and conservation-oriented education projects. The results of our findings and efforts are disseminated to both the scientific and lay communities."


Art and Archaeology Magazine. "Culturekiosque brings our readership what's worth it in arts, culture and entertainment worldwide, delivering original, largely exclusive coverage and commentary about Europe, North America, and around the world, as well as an event calendar that keeps frequent travelers abreast of significant cultural events worldwide for use in planning trips." Новости, обзор книжных новинок, родственные ресурсы.

Journal of Archaeological Scienсе

Editors: K.W. Butzer, J.P. Grattan, R.G. Klein, Th. Rehren. "The Journal of Archaeological Science is aimed at archaeologists and scientists with particular interests in advances in the application of scientific techniques and methodologies to all areas of archaeology. This established monthly journal publishes original research papers, major review articles, and short notes of wide archaeological significance."

Western & Eastern Treasures Magazine

Журнал on-line, подписка.

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